Mae'n wyn a gwridog enwog ŵr

(Gwahoddiad i gredu yr efengyl - Rhan II)
Mae'n wyn a gwridog, enwog ŵr,
  A doeth Iachawdwr da;
Y rhai sy'n flin
    gan bwys eu llwyth,
  Ei hun fe'u hesmwytha: -
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
Mae'n holl-ddigonol nerthol Naf;
Mae'n ddigon cryf, - O brysia, cred,
  Nac oeda, - dywed, Af!

Mae ef yn Dduw mawr, byw, mewn bod,
  Yn Undod, Trindod, draw,
Er trag'wyddoldeb cyn bod neb,
  I dragwyddoldeb ddaw:–
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
Mae yn anfeidrol nerthol Naf:
O cyfod bellach, ynddo cred,
  Nac ofna, – dywed, Af!

Crist ydyw'r Bugail mawr diball,
  Arweinia'r dall i dŷ;
Dyddanu'r gwan eu meddwl mae,
  A'u llawenhau yn llu:–
A ai di, enaid, ar ei ol?
Mae yn rhinweddol nerthol Naf;
Fe'th dderbyn fel yr ydwyt, cred,
  I'w ganlyn, – dywed, Af!

Pan elych di
    trwy'r dyfroedd dwys,
  Fe gynal bwys dy ben;
Pan rodiech di trwy'r tân,
    ni'th lysg;
  Ai adre'
      â'th wisg yn wen:–
Gwell i ti fyned ar ei ol,
Mae'n holl-bresennol nerthol Naf;
Gwych Haul cyfiawnder,
    ynddo cred,
  I'w ganlyn, – dywed, Af!

Pan elych trwy'r Iorddonen ddû,
  Cei lechu yn ei law; -
Fe'th ddwg di, enaid llesg i'r làn,
  I'w nefol drigfan draw:
Cei ganu'n llafar gyda'r llu
Sy'n llawenychu yn eu Naf:–
A ai di i'w ganlyn, doed a ddêl?
  O d'wed yn uchel, Af!
Edward Jones 1761-1836

[Mesur: 8686.8886]

  Rhan I - Mae'r Tad yn anfon gweision gwych
  Crist ydyw'r Bugail mawr di-ball
  Duw y duwiau Arglwydd nef

(Invitation to believe the gospel - Part 2)
He is white and ruddy, a famous man,
  And a good, wise Saviour;
Those who are wearied
    by the weight of their load,
  He himself will relieve: -
Wilt thou go, soul, after him?
He is a wholly-sufficient, strong Lord;
He is strong enough, - O hurry, believe,
  Do not delay, - say, I will go!

He is a great God, alive, existing,
  A Unity, Trinity, yonder,
For an eternity before anything was,
  To a coming eternity:-
Wilt thou go, soul, after him?
He is an infinite, strong Lord:
O arise now, believe in him,
  Do not fear, - say, I will go!

Christ is the great, unfailing Shepherd,
  Who leads the blind home;
Comforting those of weak mind he is,
  And cheering them as a host:-
Wilt thou go, soul, after him?
He is a virtuous, strong Lord:
He will receive thee as thou art, believe,
  To follow him, - say, I will go!

When thou goest
    through the intense waters,
  He will support the weight of thy head;
When thou walkest through the fire,
    it will not burn thee;
  Thou wilt go home
      with thy clothing white:-
Thou hadst better go after him,
He is an all-present, strong Lord;
A brilliant Sun of righteousness,
    believe in him,
  To follow him, - say, I will go!

When thou goest through the black Jordan,
  Thou wilt get to hide in his hand; -
He will bring thee, feeble soul, up
  To the heavenly dwelling yonder:
Thou shalt get to sing aloud with the host
Who are rejoicing in their Lord:-
Wilt thou go to follow him come what may?
  O say loudly, I will go!
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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